Annual Meeting


Annual Meeting 2025 on Tuesday, April 8

District Map
Meet the Candidates

District 3

District 6

District 9

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Please join us for Barron Electric's 89th Annual Meeting & Cookout on Tuesday, April 8 at Barron Electric Cooperative (1434 State Highway 25 North, Barron). Registration begins at 4:30 p.m. Dinner includes a brat or hamburger, cole slaw, beans, chips, and a cookie. The business meeting will follow at 5:30 p.m. Director Districts open for nomination of candidates and election are shown on the map, which includes Districts 3, 6, & 9.
For more details, please read the

January News For You. 

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Annually we get together with our fellow cooperative members to celebrate the cooperative we love. Come to enjoy food, interact with us, and vote in the elections. The elections will likely contain some familiar faces as our board is made up of members just like you. 

Attend the annual meeting for discussion of the cooperatives financials, future plans, and board director elections.

Annual Meeting is a great way for our members to interact with employees, directors, and other members. It is a reflection and evaluation of how we as a cooperative are doing. It showcases how we are fostering new ideas while staying true to our cooperative principles, such as commitment to community.