2025 Rates


The Rise in Cost for Equipment

Rising Costs
2023 Electricity Prices

Barron Electric Cooperative 2025 Rate Changes 

As a not-for-profit cooperative, Barron Electric aims to maintain stable and affordable rates. The Board of Directors approved a new rate schedule effective April 1, 2025. These rates will be reflected on the May 1 electric bill. The board has a  fiscal responsibility to its members, aiming to increase equity, provide timely cashback credits, and invest in the electric distribution system. Rising costs for equipment, supplies, interest, technology, software, engineering, and line upgrades are impacting the provision of safe, reliable power.

The average Barron Electric residential member using 1,200 kilowatt hours a month will see a 8.52% annual increase or an average of $15 per month.

Miles of Line

Rate FAQ's

The average residential member using 1,200 kilowatt hours per month will see a 8.52% annual increase or approximately $15 per month.

The rates are effective as of 4-1-2025. 

The board has a fiscal responsibility to the membership and has set financial goals that include increasing equity, returning cashback credits in a timely manner, and continuing to invest in the electric distribution system serving our membership.

The increasing cost to provide safe, reliable power is being affected by higher prices for equipment, supplies, interest, technology, software, engineering, and line upgrades. In the past four years, the cost for primary underground cable and transformers have increased over 95%. On average, most of the equipment Barron Electric has purchased increased by over 85%.


The Facilities Charge is the cost to build and maintain power lines and the electric system that makes power available at your location. Cooperatives serve the rural areas which have fewer consumers per mile of line, therefore, Barron Electric collects less in the Facilities Charge per mile of line than other power suppliers.
Facilities Charges Comparison


View our residential resources for ideas on how you can reduce your energy consumption. You can monitor your usage through SmartHub.
If you are looking for more energy saving ideas or have questions regarding your usage, please reach out to us by emailing memberservices@barronelectric.com


To help keep rates affordable members can sign up for paperless billing and using electronic payment options (this can be completed through SmartHub), this reduces administration costs (such as printing, postage, etc).

Members can also shift their energy consumption to off-peak times (peak times are when rates are higher for the cooperative to purchase electricity). Peak times are generally, Monday-Friday from 7 am - 10 am and from 2 pm - 8 pm. It's best to complete tasks such as laundry, running the dishwasher, etc outside of these time frames. 

Peak Times

Programs are available for eligible consumers who need assistance with their electric bill. For more information visit: https://www.barronelectric.com/index.php/energy-assistance