Dusk to Dawn Light


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Barron Electric offers members outdoor security lights, which we refer to as dusk-to-dawn lights. These lights are maintained and owned by Barron Electric, however, for the use of them members receive a special rate.
Please see the details below.

175 Watt Mercury Vapor or
100 Watt High Pressure Sodium or Equivalent LED


250 Watt High Pressure Sodium
or Equivalent LED: 


Installation Fee Per Light: $50.00
Other Fees:
Taxes, when applicable.
Fixed charge applies if separate transformer is needed.

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We were built by the communities we serve.
Although our members have certainly changed over time our commitment to them hasn't. Which is why we are doing our best to serve our current members and look out for our future members. Using LED lights in our dusk-to-dawn lights is a simple way we can show we care as they are the more efficient and environmental option.