Load Management

Interested in participating in load management? Email us or call
1-800-322-1008 to sign up. 

Load Management FAQ's

Load Management Programs are energy management strategies designed to conserve energy and reduce costs during peak demand times.

Barron Electric offers load management for things such as electric water heaters, electric heating, air conditioners, and electric vehicles. 

Load reduction is made possible by a receiver that interrupts the device (water heaters, air conditioner, etc) from running as it normally would. Members participating in load management programs will need to have receiver(s) installed at their location, typically near the device that is being interrupted or by their electric panel depending on installation circumstances. There is no cost to members to have a representative from the cooperative install a receiver. 

A receiver is installed by Barron Electric Cooperative. When a load management event begins, a signal is sent to the receiver to interrupt power to the device(s) enrolled in load management programs. When the event is over, a signal is sent to the receiver to discontinue interruption so the device(s) can resume normal operation. Our cooperative will work with you to determine which program best fits your personal energy goals and needs. 

Load Management events are time-limited and full automation is utilized whenever possible to ensure a balance of comfort and convenience for participating members. Coordinated strategies that leverage the energy storage capacity of hot water systems, or the availability of backup heat systems, allow most residential members to experience a seamless shift.


Load Management helps us, the cooperative and you our members, work together to reduce the amount of electricity needed during high demand times. By adjusting when and how electricity is used, we can shift use to times when demand is lower and electricity is less expensive, which contributes greatly to maintaining affordable rates and ensuring reliability. 

Event Status can be monitored by viewing Load Status.

Additionally, you can also view the LED lights on your receiver(s). 
Shown below are the two most common receivers utilized by Barron Electric. 
Depending on installation circumstances, the positioning of your lights may vary. 

LED Lights

A peak alert occurs when the demand for energy across our service territory is heightened.

There a various causes for a peak alert, the most common is extreme weather temperatures. However, our cooperative's powerlines are part of a larger, regional grid operated by the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) which extends from Manitoba, Canada, south through 15 U.S. states to Louisiana. This means other parts of MISO’s territory can affect demand for electricity and energy prices in our region. 

Even if it’s not very hot or cold outside, all of us can conserve energy during these peak times to help keep our electricity rates stable and affordable.

MISO map

Under normal conditions, members participating in the water heater load management program should not run out of hot water. If you do, please call Barron Electric Cooperative 1-800-322-1008 or email loadmanagement@barronelectric.com.
We can help troubleshoot the issue to determine if it is the water heater or if the problem is related to the receiver or an interruption event. 

There are various ways to take part in load management to assist the cooperative in reducing its electricity consumption during peak demand times:

  • When you come across a "Peak Alert" message on local radio stations or see posts on our social media platforms, you can contribute by conserving energy voluntarily.
  • Simply turning off unnecessary lights and appliances can aid the cooperative in decreasing its demand.

It is also helpful to schedule the use of dishwashers, dryers, etc outside of peak hours, evenings after 9 pm for example, as this action can significantly support the cooperative in reducing costs and maintaining affordable rates.

Barron Electric offers Load Management Programs for electric water heaters that are 50 gallons or greater. In order to participate a receiver will be installed free of charge by the cooperative near the Water Heater or your electric panel. The receiver conserves electricity by interrupting the water heater during peak demand times. The times in which the water heater is interrupted vary depending on the size of the water heater. Please review these times below. The water heater programs are not intended to inconvenience members. Members should contact loadmanagement@barronelectric.com when any changes are made to the water heater.

Water Heater Schedule


If you would like to participate in the Water Heater Load Management Program please email loadmanagement@barronelectric.com.
Information regarding Water Heater Rebates can be found here.

Barron Electric offers off-peak heating load management programs for members with electric heat. Reduced rates are offered for both the Dual Fuel Program and the Electric Thermal Storage Program.
Please click here, for further details. 

Barron Electric Cooperative offers a load management program for central air conditioners (AC). In order to participate a receiver will be installed free of charge by the cooperative near the AC unit. The receiver conserves electricity by shutting off the AC during peak demand times. The receiver cycles the air conditioner to run 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off, in the months of June, July, and August during peak times.
Participating members will receive up to a $10 bill credit appearing on their July, August, and September statements. Ground source heat pumps, mini splits, and geothermal units do not qualify for this program, however, we do have rebates for these heating and cooling systems. 

If you would like to participate or have additional questions regarding the ac program, please email loadmanagement@barronelectric.com.

Barron Electric offers rebates for electric vehicle chargers. A requirement of the rebate is that electric vehicle chargers must participate in load management. 

The Smart Charger that Barron Electric offers has a load management mechanism built into the charger. Members who purchase an alternative charger may need to have a receiver installed at their location. 

Electric Vehicle Chargers are interrupted Monday-Friday from 2:00pm-9:00pm. This strategy is not interrupted during weekends or holidays, except during full load control. 

Barron Electric is currently undergoing a multi-year project to exchange receivers for members enrolled in load management programs. The technology utilized within the previously installed receiver(s) is sunsetting. Members will be notified via email or phone when technicians reach their area to schedule an appointment. The cooperative may utilize components of the existing receiver, or opt to remove it and install a new receiver. The new receivers will use the same communication technology as our current metering system.